엘리멘탈 책을 읽으며, 쉬는날 공부하는 일상 -1
slosh : 출렁이는 (v) to move with a splashing motion.
sloshed : 만취한 (ad) (informal)
baby-to-be : 아직 태어나지 않은 아기
soon-to-be baby : (same meaning)
sprout : 새싹이 나다, (새로운 성장이나 발전이) 생기다 (v) / 새싹 (n)
- "He sprouted a beard during his vacation."
- "She added sprouted grains to her salad for extra crunch and nutrients."
submarine : 잠수함 (n)
puddle : 물웅덩이 (n)
blimp : 소형 비행선 (n)
emerge : 나오다 (v)
disembark : (배,비행기에서) 내리다 (v)
get off : 내리다 (v) (informal)
deflate : (타이어,풍선등) 공기가 빠지다 (v)
- "The balloon deflated after a few hours."
deflated : 기분이 상한, 위축된 (ad)
- "After losing the game, the team was visibly deflated."
- "I felt deflated when my proposal was rejected."
- "Why did you deflate me like that?"
inflate : (공기나 가스로) 부풀리다 (v)
inflated : 과장된 (ad)
inflation : 인플레이션,물가 상승률 (n)